take a break if you want, it can be as long as you want if it helps, were rooting for you!!!
character designer comic artist cartoonist illustrator. probably. not really.
NEET lmao
Joined on 5/30/21
take a break if you want, it can be as long as you want if it helps, were rooting for you!!!
How do you feel now? I pray better.
if im being honest im not really doing all that great. not only because mental stuff but now physical stuff too. its a bummer. as much as i wanna get offline forever, i need the internet to get paid because i have no job. it suuuucks.
@deadlandddah I'm terribly sorry to hear that. I hope at least you can find non-screen related hobbies as a debrief when things get tiring, like traditional arts or crafts. Praying you have a swift recovery.
jus don't forget your roots here g.
i care about ya but man, I'm gonna miss you. Take some time off if you need.
i need more than time off i need to toss my phone into a fire. but fr thank you.